Travel agents must offer unique services to their clients to provide a better experience for less cost than their competitors. The key to this is automation of the booking process to improve productivity of consultants by reducing time spent to manage each booking and increasing data accuracy.

The online booking process is, by its nature, automated. However, substantial benefits can be gained from automating offline bookings to drive business performance.

Automation Benefits

• Minimise consultant touch points increasing accuracy and productivity.
• Simple workflows mean your consultants have more time to invest in your business
• Consultants can process more bookings – increase revenue without increasing overheads
• Automation is precise and repeatable – it ensures the processes are consistent across clients and consultants.
• Reduce costs – the true beauty of automating work processes is the ability to eliminate human errors from the system. Mistakes can come with financial consequences.

Reduce clicks

For tramada® connected agencies, automation ranges from core functions such as defaulting a field, integrated online credit card payments through to Offline Automation features delivering a touchless workflow end to end including: the tramada® booking creation, automated fare savings, service fee application, hotel payment and chargeback, issuing and sending of client documentation such as itineraries, ticket costing, auto receipting and invoicing.