Standing out amongst the crowd is getting harder for leisure agencies, especially with growing number of OBTs. However, technology can also help leisure agencies differentiate with improved customer experience and consistent branding.

Branded documentation

Creating a corporate brand that reflects an agency’s value proposition is realised through the company’s website and other communications with the client. Travellers still rely on their itineraries and love having that one document as the source of truth for their travel. This can be delivered, not only as a customised branded document, but as one that truly represents the personality of the business. By using corporate colours and motifs, itineraries will provide a look and feel that evokes the unique attributes of the business.

Consistency online

This branding should match the company website and other communication portals clients have with the organisation. For example an e-marketing campaign can be used to drive prospects to the agency website where they can register online for an event or group booking. The registration page can also be branded with corporate colour and personality. Online registration provides an improved customer experience as participants can sign up online when and where is most convenient for them in just a few minutes. Plus they get immediate confirmation. This differentiated service then becomes part of the agency brand.